Notable NPCs
Archbishop Warin
The Archbiship of DC is a Nosferatu antitribu with a reputation for calm, measured leadership. He...
Baniti (NPC)
The Eternal Serpent of BaltimoreBaniti, a former Egyptian scribe turned eternal vampire, traded p...
Blaze (NPC)
Blaze is the current Primogen for Clan Toreador. He is also sometimes referred to as 'the Brand' ...
Hunter Grayson
Primogen of the Gangrel. Owner of the Baltimore Zoo Domain. Basics Basics ...
Klara Sauber (NPC)
I am here for work, pleasure is meaningless. Basics Basics Name Klara...
Leggett Lavalle
“You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.”― Nenia Campbell, Crowned by F...
Nathaniel Collins
Not that the Tremere have a need, but Nathaniel acts as the Primogen for the Clan i...