Charles Schroder

Merits & Flaws
Rituals & Paths
Experience & Derangements
Willpower 7
Abilities: 16xp
Auspex 2 > 3 xp 5
Resources 2 > 3 xp 4
Expanded Backgrounds
Rights & Possessions
Blood Bonds/Vinculi
Xiang Ye grew up in Chinatown in New York in the 1950s and 60s. seeing and dealing with the Red Scare and the racism of the Eastern continent blindness. She grew bitter and hateful of white America. She became a scrapper and fell in bad with gangs. Her sire was a racial fetishist who saw her as an exotic treat and turned her. Deciding to use her to make the “perfect oriental doll.”
She was forced into a pack with her sire and a man named Merek. During the Camarilla take over of Baltimore. Her sire was killed and she found herself the only other survivor next to Merek. They worked together to create a ritae to take over the lives of two hostages they had taken. Xiang hated everything about everything. Two pretentious white men, and Merek had say of who took whose form.
Now she deals with her curse by killing and making art out of her victims. She was lucky Charles Schoder had a small amount of pull within Baltimore, atleast enough to get a Domain and Have. She…. He is able to keep his true art well hidden. The pain and hatred for her new body caused her mind to crack and find pleasure in that pain and a desire to mutilate it more. under Charles generally dense clothes hides rings pierced into his body, all the rings are strapped to a body harness that causes pain and discomfort through normal movement.