Kain Gray

Merits & Flaws
Rituals & Paths
Experience & Derangements
1 Freebie on Willpower
10xp Auspex x1
3xp Occult x1
4xp Occult x2
4xp Subterfuge x2 10xp Occult 3 & 4 6xp Subterfuge 3 8xp Performance 4
Melpominee 3 > 4 xp 15
Perception 3 > 4 xp 12
Empathy 1 > 2 xp 2
Melpominee 3 > 4 xp 20
Appearance 2 > 3 xp 8
Resources 1 > 2 xp 2
Contacts 0 > 1 xp 3
Allies 0 > 1 xp 3
Expanded Backgrounds
Rights & Possessions
Blood Bonds/Vinculi
Kain Grey grew up in Baltimore with in a devoutly Catholic household and intended on become a priest like his father, maybe even more. While he was working on his Doctorate in Theology he began hearing a singing coming from a park near his apartment. When he arrived he found a woman named Lyllithe. Kain introduced himself and Lyllithe smiled "Kain? Of course, on this cold, dark night, who else would be drawn to my warmth." Kain didn't understand but he found himself drawn to her and enjoyed talking to her. He didn't realize how long it had been until two other women appeared, they must have been friends of Lyllithe's, they didn't seem to like Kain. For the next few days whenever Kain heard the singing he would find Lyllithe and spend as much time as possible talking to her until she would hurry away. Kain suspected she was try to keep it hidden from her friends.
One night Lyllithe asked Kain to join her for a walk. Not thinking much of it Kain agreed, but was confused when Lyllithe brought him to her car and they drove to a forest. Kain had his concerns but something about Lyllithe soothed him and convinced him to keep following. Until they found a small hovel in the woods. Lyllithe brought him inside, amazingly enough this small hovel had a sizable basement...that was ...hand dug out? Lyllithe talked to Kain, she wanted him to stay with her, to be with her, and to love her for all eternity. Kain began to panic a little, he couldn't, not yet, he had God's work to do yet. He apologized and she started getting mad but she calmed herself and started to sooth Kain as well and Kain felt as he could no longer say no. Then Lyllithe embraced him telling him now that would be together forever.
They were discovered by her friends and another man, they tore Kain from her and began to beat him saying something about a pack agreement, Kain didn't understand.
He had never felt so much pain in his life and eventually when they stopped and buried him in the ground. The next night Kain dug himself out and he was starving he found a person tied up on the floor and dragged himself over to them and drained them of blood. When he was finished Kain noticed one of the women staring at him with contempt. Kain was filled with fury and launched himself at the woman attacking her, all of his strikes fell upon air. Then they all appeared again except for Lyllithe and brutally beat him again and buried him again. Night after night he would dig himself out and every night he would be beaten, or bombarded with hallucinations, or find his mind flooded with derangements. Kain never saw Lyllithe again.
One night one of them took a hideous claw and dug a symbol into his eye again and again, night after night, ensuring the scar would stick and they eye was useless.
Kain doesn't know how long this lasted, but one day it stopped. His tormentors disappeared, and they never returned. Kain found himself alone. He feared if he left the basement they would be waiting for him outside to torture him more. After a while he finally had to leave to feed. He sustained himself on animals. After a while he pushed his boundaries and began going through their possessions. He found weapons and tools, clothes and jewelry, and many other things he didn't really understand what it all was, items would shift and change infront of his eyes. He found a book, just a small black leather bound book. It told stories of Caine, first son of Adam. Kain remembered all his work in Theology, this had to mean something, this had to explain everything.
Kain poured himself into the book, comparing it to what he could remember from the Bible. He would spend his time writing notes in the mud, theory, dissertations, essays. Then a person, or monster or some other creature would appear to him and they would discuss, and Kain would become enraged and wipe it all away. Kain was alone except for visits from these monsters and entities, he was even visited by the Caine a few times and figured he was on the right path if Caine himself would help him figure out the truth.
The Crone, the Dark Mother, the three great Second Generation, and even the Antidelluvians, they all visited and would discuss with Kain, argue with each other, and fight. Eventually it was just Kain and Caine left.
"You know what you must do then right?" Caine said in a soft voice.
"I have to help spread the truth, to Kindred and Kine alike." Kain smiled
He made himself a coat from scraps of fabrics he found making a patchwork long coat and found a pair of purple leather pants, he cut them up and made an eyepatch to cover his scar. He then headed to a place he could almost barely remember, his ancient home, Baltimore.