Jim Conway

Beneath that lies a keen mind, and with a smooth baritone voice, and a commanding aura, he can create an unexpectedly grand presence.
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Merits & Flaws
Rituals & Paths
Experience & Derangements
Backgrounds - 5
Abilities - 4
Willpower - 6
Auspex 1 - 10
Auspex 2 - 5
Perception 3 - 8
Perception 4 - 12
Creation - 35
10/02/2025 - 3
24/02/2025 - 3
Expanded Backgrounds
Rights & Possessions
Blood Bonds/Vinculi
Jim Conway, on the surface, has always seemed an unassuming man. Beneath the surface, though, resided a keen mind, one most adept at understanding people. Whilst not an inherently charismatic man, Jim learned to capitalize on his understanding, to pull the strings of those around him, to bring everything in line with his vision of how things should be.
But don’t be mistaken - Jim didn’t like to control people because he enjoyed toying with them. He did it to make sense of the world. He saw an order to the chaos which only needed to be ushered forth. And without that order, without that control, things simply fell apart. Whenever he lied or led astray, it was for that greater good. He believed so, anyway.
This need for control and order extended beyond just people, however. Everything had its place. Jim was smart enough to know he couldn’t bring everything to heel, but at least in his private places, on his person, everything was as it should be. And if it wasn’t, it was soon corrected.
Perhaps it was his ability, his need, to bring order to the chaos that drew Jim Conway to the prison service. In many ways he reveled in the disorder it provided, if only because that meant he could fix it. He began his career as a low-level administrator, but soon rose through the ranks until he was a warden of his own prison - a position he held capably and faithfully, up until the point where he was almost ready to retire.
It was around this time that his prison received a new batch of inmates. Being who he was, he noted something incredibly odd, different, about one of these men in particular - Hélio Montenegro - but Jim was a rational man, and his thoughts never drew close to ideas of the supernatural. As far as the warden was concerned, Hélio was simply a disturbed man.
This soon changed when Jim was made ghoul to the enigmatic figure known as the Prophet of Pittsburgh. His whole world changed overnight, things he had never considered possible were now unmistakably real.
He was not a ghoul for long. Originally, he suspected, the Prophet had simply used him to release his Childe, Hélio, from incarceration, perhaps with the intention of disposing of Jim once he was done. But something about the warden drew the creature’s attention, and Jim Conway was shortly embraced into Clan Malkavian.
What had previously been his guide was now his sovereign. The need for order and control was no longer a background buzzing in his mind, it was an unignorable necessity. Part of Jim embraced this, it in many ways helped him make better sense of the world. And another part hated it - he had always prided himself on rationality, and he knew now he was beyond that. That hate, naturally, was extended to his new Sire.
Hélio, he found, also shared a resentment towards the Prophet, and the two quickly became a close-knit duo. With his new brother by his side, Jim set about coming up with a plan to deal with their Sire permanently. The two lured the Prophet of Pittsburgh into a trap, and once the creature was immobilized they reached the conclusion of the plan - Hélio diablerizing their Sire.
Now, the brothers make their way to a new city, to build a life for themselves in the strange world they’ve found themselves in.