Sébastien Dupré

The last (un)living heir of a tobacco empire, Seb is a socialite, playboy, and unapologetic capitalist with a mind for business and finance, an eye for expensive art, and a weird taste in blood from young, drug-addled men.
Merits & Flaws
Rituals & Paths
Experience & Derangements
Specialties - 1+1+1+1
Abilities - 2+2
Backgrounds - 2
Disciplines - 7
Starting XP: 15
Abilities - 3+3+3
Expanded Backgrounds
Rights & Possessions
Blood Bonds/Vinculi
In 1984, the Dupre tobacco empire was on the verge of collapse and the only thing that saved it was the Embrace of the last living heir, Sebastien Dupre. Since it’s beginnings in 1693 colonial America, it had survived the turmoil of the American Revolution and the loss of slave labor after the Civil War, but as people began to grow aware of the cancerous effects of smoking, investors and family members began abandoning it.
To make things worse, Seb’s mother and father, the head of Dupre Tobacco, Inc., were murdered by the deranged husband of a woman that died of lung cancer after smoking Dupres for 40 years. Seb was only 20 years old, still in college, not viewed by the board as ready to assume responsibility over the business.
Luckily, he had caught the eye of a Ventrue vampire, Edwin Duarte. Seeing an opportunity in the struggling business, the Ventrue took Seb as his protégé and they wrested back control of the company from the board and began restructuring. Along the way, Seb manipulated Edwin into embracing him and was inducted into the Ventrue ranks. Using Ventrue resources, the company returned to profit.
When the Camarilla came for Maryland, they were one of the first to support it, providing an important revenue source. Edwin was killed in the power struggle, but Seb survived and helps to make sure that the Camarilla will remain funded and strong in Baltimore, protecting both his business interests and the interests of the vampire community.
Within the city, Seb is known as a playboy and fashionable socialite, hosting lavish parties at Dupre Manor, frequenting popular nightclubs, and supporting the arts. Behind the scenes, he helps move money for the Camarilla, connives to affect both vampire and human politics, and even has an eye on criminal elements in the city. After all, tobacco is a dying industry, but marijuana is the future.
He can often be found slumming it, as he has a very specific taste in blood and exclusively preys on younger men that have recently taken cocaine. There is something about the taste and the buzz that he gets from feeding on them. While he could survive on other blood, it almost makes him sick without the sweet nuances of flavor that cocaine gives the blood.