Characters (BAD)
In Play (Approved)
Addaline Laplace
Addaline usually comes across as your stereotypical Goth Nerd Girl. She enjoys playing various ga...
Amani Khalil Shah; Owner of Nowhere Generation
“But I know now that going from place to place is just something exiles have to do. Whatever the...
Angelique Cloutier [Chantry R4, Keeper of Elysium]
Show respect. Trust no one. This was a motto that Angelique had grown up with. A noble from birth...
Antony Giovanni
Antony - a.k.a Ant - is Elijah Giovanni's cousin and ghoul. He grew up with Elijah and is one of ...
Auriel is a tragedy come to life, something their clan would most certainly find amusing. Auriel...
Aya Naida
A Setite to the core, Aya is a new addition to the city, having come to seek shelter from her mos...
Beatrix Alexander
"The gears of the world have chewed me up and spit me out. I worked ...
Burian Volkov
A seemingly young man who holds the titles Burian the Wolf and the Russian Wolf from his achieve...
Calla De Carabas
A doctor in an age when mental illness was just starting to be understood. Calla did her best to...
She's got it all~ Basics Basics Name Canvas Player DrDra...
Cassandra de la Vega
Cass is a brash upstart who wears her heart on her sleeve, along with a great many tattoos. Orig...
Cindy Harmon
A vaudeville starlet who dreamed of being in moving pictures and with the intelligence to make i...
Daniel O'Shea
High school dropout, wannabe boxer, metal worker. Since immigrating to Balitmore he took a job as...
Darrus [Bassist of Riot Squad]
Fuck the Camarilla, Fuck the Sabbat, and Fuck any Baronies mate! Basics Basics ...
Declan Gornt
A man of few word, Declan is the Stoic silent type when he's not needed to win over a courtroom. ...
Donovan "Blackheart" Briar
Blackheart is a merciless killer for the Sabbat. He was given the monicker for both his ruthless...
Earl "Thorne" Bratovich
“I was wondering what would break first — your spirit…or your body.” - Bane, The Dark Knight Ris...
Elijah Augustus Giovanni
Most of the family in Baltimore won't speak of him out of superstition. He is likely the only one...
Enzo Giovanni [Rhythm Guitar, Riot Squad]
Enzo Giovanni is the rhythmic guitarist for Riot Squad. Surely there is nothing else to this you...
Erica Lisette Angeline Dubois
Erica Lisette Angeline Dubois, a fiercely determined behavioral psychologist, grew up in the sha...
Eva Milliner
Eva is the eldest daughter of the Milliner family and a well forgotten member by her father's ow...
Gustave — just Gustave — claims to have been shat out of a whore on a cobbled back alley street i...
Hayden "Loki" Ziepke
Loki likes to equate himself to a stray black cat on the alleyway, an omen of coming misfortune ...
Hélio Montenegro
"Say that again, but louder." Basics Basics Name Hélio Montenegro ...
Isaac Anderson
Grey hat hacker. Isaac was going to expand his experience, virtually, in reality, he wanted more....
Jacob "Big Jake" Koenig (NPC)
A two face of a man. As a businessman in the human world he has jovial Savannah accent, among ki...
Jasmine Baxter
"Oh, honey, we are going to make you dazzle."A cool headed, polite, woman with a rather large re...
Jason "JayGee" Gardner
Jason's face isn't famous so much as his voice is, and specifically in more radical circles as th...
Jaxson "Sunny" Garcia Hernandez
“For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endure, and it ama...
Jennifer ‘Kandi’ Smith
Lonely single woman in your area that is dying to met YOU! Basics Basics ...
Jim Conway
A short and overweight man, Jim Conway is on the surface unassuming.Beneath that lies a keen min...
Jovan "Kozchy" Alexendrovsky
Heavy Metal King! Kozchy is the shock rock enthusiast Kindred taking on the music scene of Balti...
Julien Lavalle; Baron of Baltimore
“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just t...
Juliette Sterling
Juliette Sterling, or as she's known online, "bitchsilver", is a twitch streamer queen and mean ...
Kain Gray
A new comer to town? A mad street prophet? an Abomination? Listen to your heart...... or..... my...
Kelly Cole, The Disco Witch
Kelly Cole was the forcibly embraced Childe of a notorious Sabbat figure known as the Disco King...
Sarah Roth was once a sharp and cunning protégé of the enigmatic Mr. Hood, who raised her within...
Luna (Xiang)
Alt style and a happy personality, Luna is glad to be who she is.NSFW Reference below all thanks...
Maisie Gray
A street artist specialising in chalk drawings that are vibrant abstract and totally safe to be a...
Marcelle Clement
March is a seemingly ordinary grant student at John Hopkins University of Psychology that takes ...
Mikail "Mickey" Zhamay
Tall dark and handsome and with a pureheart this Toreador will tell and paint you a story. A rath...
Missy Milliner
"Pops said I had to do the dirty work. Pops said I have clean up after your mess. He also said t...
Ms Thorton
Basics Basics Name Ms. (Olivia) Thorton Player Ch...
Nicky October
Nicky October is the leader of the Baltimore Bully Boyz, a gang of streetrats operating out of Gw...
Noah Silverwater
Noah is the childe of the Toreador Primogen, Blaze.They came to Baltimore together in 2013. By th...
Pablo Wright
A ghoul who runs a bookstore and tends to the needs of Viorel Ginter. He is friendly and organis...
Pain of Set
Have you ever seen a setite owl creature? Well... now you have. Basics Ba...
Penelope Chambers
"The tower wants to direct from behind the curtain, sticking to the same song and dance that's b...
Rosa Giovanni
Matriarch of the Giovanni family in Baltimore.Her family practically helped found the city. She...
Roxanne Blackwell
Born in Chicago, Roxy was posed to inherit a decent life in the 'burbs, far removed from the con...
Basics Basics Name Sabio Player Gló Chronicle ...
Samael "Sammy" Gucci
Ever since she was a young lad, Sammy Gucci has dreams of fortune and fame. Being kidnapped by th...
Sandraudiga, the Maiden of Defeat
The Goddess of the Grim March, Sandraudiga seeks out the bested, the broken, and the defeated. I...
Sarah Archer
"Beauty is but another weapon" Her pain dives her, more than anything else to make sure others d...
Sebastien Dupré
Seb is an enigmatic socialite, playboy, and capitalist with a mind for business and finance, an e...
Shahin Kamran
UBER EATSYour courier Faisal has picked up your order and it's on the move! There's no need to me...
Simon Ward
Simon is the owner of Scandal, a popular nightclub found in the 400 Block of East Baltimore Stree...
Special Agent Jonathan Cross
Agent Cross is what most people refer to as a spook, one of the Men in Black. He is almost like ...
Sylvie LaRue
"We all eventually need to find new soil to plant our roots in.Quiet, well studied, and gentle. ...
The Dancing Devil, Amber Shepherd
"Weep for me, I am lost."Despite her escape from her Sire, Amber never managed to break herself ...
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams, The man from nowhere. Basics Basics Name Thomas Will...
Tomasz Draus
Tomasz, at first glance, seems fairly understated for a Brujah. He doesn't have a crazy haircut, ...
Torri Ichiki
A former hunter stumbled her way into Baltimore before her group as a novice hunter to scope out ...
Tsuriko Cocor
A woman of poise and negotiating words. She wears what appears to be a taxidermized crane across...
Victor Wolf
Victor Wolf is practically a force of nature among the world of business and finance. The money ...
Viorel Ginter
Viorel is a blunt and grumpy Ancilla from the Victorian times. Being an Abyss Mystic he is deepl...
Vixa, an ever-changing, chaotic and curious individual, oftentimes found in the employment of ano...
Zayn Cox
"Here for a good time, not for a long time."Zayn is a go-go dancer, and proud of it. He enjoys sh...
Zazuka Bones
What happens when you break someone out of a nasty cult and give them freedom over themselves wi...
Notable NPCs
Archbishop Warin
The Archbiship of DC is a Nosferatu antitribu with a reputation for calm, measured leadership. He...
Baniti (NPC)
The Eternal Serpent of BaltimoreBaniti, a former Egyptian scribe turned eternal vampire, traded p...
Blaze (NPC)
Blaze is the current Primogen for Clan Toreador. He is also sometimes referred to as 'the Brand' ...
Hunter Grayson
Primogen of the Gangrel. Owner of the Baltimore Zoo Domain. Basics Basics ...
Klara Sauber (NPC)
I am here for work, pleasure is meaningless. Basics Basics Name Klara...
Leggett Lavalle
“You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.”― Nenia Campbell, Crowned by F...
Nathaniel Collins
Not that the Tremere have a need, but Nathaniel acts as the Primogen for the Clan i...
Out of Play (Archived)
Hilti, born Hildegard Mignonette van der Schant-Hohenburg, was a princess of the Schant-Hohenbur...
[Detective Victor "Pinch" Wells]
Detective Victor Wells is a odd one, ever since his partner was killed years ago he has been obs...
[Special Agent Charlotte "Charlie" Masters]
Charlie is a third generation FBI Agent. That is where her similarities to her father and grandf...
Aedan O'Toole
Car enthusiast, party-boy, no-fucks-given ne'er-do-well... All titles that fit Aedan depending o...
Anthony "Cleppy" Vortega
Cleppy is a hideous Nossie, but with an aura is innocence and kindness. Unlike many of his ilk, h...
Ari Kasabian
Archivist, curator, Settite.Dr. Kasabian believes all vampires share one thing: a hunger, and it ...
Armada Kinsey
A girl with a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas, Armada isn't the friendliest face around. ...
Aurelio Ettore Giovanni
Giovanni sent to Baltimore to strengthen Giovanni interests and territory due to dastardly Sabba...
Aygün Kartal
Survive. Survive at any cost.The Sabbat are too cruel. She served an Empire. She will serve one ...
Azazel Morgenstern
“The thirst for knowledge and power overcomes my thirst for blood.” Basics Basics ...
DECLARED TORPORED Baniti is known to have been in Baltimore for several centuries. He toughed it...
Beauregard De Brun
As ghoul to Sebasten Dupre, and houseboy of Dupre Manor, Beau enjoys a cushy, leisurely existence...
Belladonna Farrowgrove
"It is the stronger will that persists in the test of time. It is my duty to follow and enact it...
Bethor is a young (Embraced in the 90s) , but a known Sabbat fanatic that proven himself worthy ...
Appearance: 3Catlike BalanceSlavic/Russian accentCamarilla? Fucking lapdogs who want to put you o...
Retainer for Marshall Haimon. Bullseye is his scout, thug, and assassin all in one. Stealthy, ef...
Candace Holland
A young woman who wished to be an actress prior to her Embrace, she was brought into unlife after...
Cassius Magnus
With a regal posture the direct descendant of the Hardestad, Cassius, is known to navigate the ca...
Célestine Guerin
"Shit, dude! I didn't know the girl who Embraced me! I was your run-of-the-mill pump and dump! I...
Cesar Sandavol
Clearly born of wealth and privilege there is also a predatory nature behind his smile. He is kn...
Charles Schroder
Charles Schroder was a painter for the elite. He rarely paints but when he does it is highly sou...
Clayton "Rook" Green
A man who wanted to become a politician blended with the wrong type of Vampire and becomes kindr...
Conner O'Sullivan
A kind man from Ireland, just living his life in Baltimore. Basics Basics ...
Cyrus Giovanni
Cyrus Giovanni is a facilitator and provider of the occult and morbid but expresses outwardly as...
Daemon Astrophel
“I Need Some Air. I’m Still Feeling A Tad…Dead.”Daemon is the silent and introverted type of int...
Dahlia Moreno
Ever since Dahlia was little, she idolized people like Kylie Jenner. She watched Keeping Up With...
Daniel Krazinski
World-class thief, playboy, RavnosDanny is quite an interesting lad. Born in Split, Croatia to a ...
Darrius “Anubis” Husani
"You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him wit...
Cult leader, self sufficient, fuedalist Gangrel. ...
Dr. Robert Kilroy
A genius and a prodigy, Robert has finished highschool at the age of 13, getting his first phd a...
Draven Angelos
"The real truth isn't what matters in court. It's the truth that they'll best understand that you...
Emyr Mattick
A Gangrel embraced for his bravery in his youth, he hunted his sire for almost a month, whom his...
Epiphany Bones
"Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem." from Winnie the Pooh b...
Basics Basics Name Erin Player Maq Chronicle Ba...
Evelynn (Dullvoid)
With an alluring personality and a visage that would make any Toreador bite their lip at a mere g...
Frederick Ehrler
A former Philosophy student with an interest in political theory. His friend circle and strong o...
Gabriel Anderson
Gabriel Studied. He stayed awake for days on end, the Bible was his lifeblood and the words upon...
Gabriele Opizzi
Young, beautiful, silent... All traits adored by his previous masters and that he knows how to u...
Hannah Maxson
A former ghost hunter turned Nosferatu, Hannah struggles to get a foothold in the tenuous world o...
Hannah Phillips (Vonzara)
Now, in Baltimore, Hannah has begun to establish herself. While bound by the Tremere clan’s stri...
Hasan Ibn Amad
Recently arrived, Hasan is a trained and principled member of the clan, eager to both earn a name...
Hikari Kanzaki
A martial artist working at a local grocery store. He never seems to hold still for long and alw...
Iolaos Synesius
Iolaos is the poster child for youth without direction. He found fulfillment in music and the co...
Isaiah Blackwood
“Shower while there were two dead bodies in the bathtub, and he was sane. He drilled holes in the...
Jackson Vargus Baldr
A loner, the private eye is someone who grew up trying to run from his past. However, his main r...
Jasper Dubois
Jasper is currently a police officer with the Baltimore P.D. His work is focused mainly on busti...
Jesse Smith
This is a retainer for Marshall Haimon. Jesse is Marshall executive officer, his second in comma...
John Jeremiah
A truly unlucky man who was embraced by mistake, into the most stuck up clan. His existence is c...
Johnny Stone
He seeks to dominate and control every aspect of his unlife - including both the people in it and...
"Oh, my love, I can taste heaven. Send me to rapture, let me feel eternity."- Kamille, Scandal S...
Keita Nakamoto
A cheerful rebel on the surface, Keita has a whimsical almost childish manner to him that people...
Kestrel Simmons
Kestrel is used to being an outcast. She takes life into her own hands and makes it better...
Kevin Belmont
Belmont was embraced Brujah in Richmond, VA during the clusterfuck that was 1999. After dropping...
Kokoro Nakagawa
5 freebies spent on WP, 2 on Occult, 2 on Brawl Basics Basics Name Ko...
Lambent Loké
Lambent was a poor transmasc queer impressionist lamp-maker turned in 1890 by a bioluminescent T...
Lawrence Graves
A terrified soldier during the attacks on Ft. Mchenry during the War of 1812, The rocket's red g...
Leo McKenzie
A Baltimore native who caught on the modeling scene since the early 1980s, embraced by his sire w...
Levi Smith
Basics Basics Name Levi Smith Player M Chronicle ...
Lucifer Angelis Rinaldi
Lucifer, or as he is known and goes by, Angelis, is a shy and quiet type that struggles with con...
Lucille Orion
Lucille wanted to believe fantastical creatures of the night existed. She had no idea that bein...
Luke Willis
"Dude... like... you know? Right? Chillax." The clanless look to the changes in power in Balt...
Luken Di Marco
Luken Di Marco is the current Sheriff of Baltimore.He was instrumental in the Fall of the Sabbat...
Marshall Haimon
Former Red army soldier. Former mercenary. Independent. He was brought by a a Brujah mercenary co...
Morgan Steindahl
Boisterous in manner, bodacious in humor, and bohemian in dress. Morgan is often found in places ...
Mr. Bad
A voice in the night guiding the neonates into the movement through his underground radio show. H...
Mr. Hood
Mr. Hood? He is obviously a Ventrue......right?Wait, Is that the same Mr. Hood from New Orleans?...
Noémi Toussaint
Le Con de Paris, The Cunt of Paris. Notorious hell raiser, rabble rouser, trouble maker, and gene...
Nyri Cobalt
Nyri is a Youtuber who has made a bit of a name for herself with her covers of symphonic metal ba...
Percy Hammond
Percy is a Toreador, new to the Baltimore area, he tends to frequent the local night clubs and di...
Phirun Kryn
A local student working at a library. Despite his rather friendly demeanor, more sleeps beneath ...
Rafael Espada
This wandering Cassandra traded walking for a stretched Lincoln Town Car limo from where he runs ...
Rayne Darkholme
Born in Bethesda Maryland. She has no idea who who father is(The Vampire Parentage). Her mother d...
Retainer for Marshall Haimon. Rex is his craftsmen, his builder, his foreman, and his intimidati...
Richter Jameson
Richter Jameson knows three things. He is Tremere. He is Camarilla. He listens to the letters th...
Riven Flynn
Rough around the edges and impulsive Rivens not perhaps the wisest of companions for those who wi...
Rosette Coquín
“It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.” Basics ...
Rue Maria
a kiasyd who wants to be left alone most of the time but will offer their unique services to any...
Samson Roland
Samson Roland is known for his long and steadfast dedication to the defense of the Camarilla. He...
Sean O'Brien
Sean has been the only ghoul Tabbris has been able to stand for longer than a few years. 10 year...
Sébastien Dupré
With his hedonistic tendencies, obsession with aesthetic beauty, fashion, and art, Seb probably s...
Sera Blackwood
"Everyone outside the Ivory Tower wants to rip it down. The only reason everyone isn't is becaus...
Simon Temple
Simon is quiet and intense. He's not at all shy, he simply speaks when he feels he has something ...
Sofia Antonia de Granada
Famed leatherworker and Swordmaster the alluring Sofia has once again gdaced the new world with ...
A miscreant of a Ravnos who joyfully stirs the pot. Finding himself bored after several decades ...
Tegan Salgado
On the nights where her mind is intact, Tegan prefers to stay under the radar and avoid making ri...
“On a gathering storm comes A tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with A red right hand”____...
Thiago Téo Torres
Calling Baltimore home for nearly eighty years, Thiago has seen many come and go. First hidden a...
Trinity Wheeler
Trinity enjoys arts in all it's forms. She herself is a practiced painter and dancer. Rather we...
Tyler Harris
Tyler's a college kid, pretty close to getting his bachelors in computer science. He's not reall...
Valeria "Valkyrie" Kane
"Anyone who threatens my pack will beg for death long before I’m done with them." - Valkyrie Kan...
Veronica Fowler
Veronica 2.pngVeronica Fowler.pngVeronica Fowler.png Veronica Fowler is a vulgar yet creati...
Viviana Rossellini
Just when you thought that a family of incestuous necromantic vampires couldn't get any more mes...
Retainer for Marshall Haimon. The newest member of Marshalls crew, but potentially the most dead...
Wilfred Graves
A Lovely Man that hangs out with old people Basics Basics Name Wilfre...
William Good
William Good is the current Prince of Baltimore. He never wanted to Prince, if the rumours are tr...
Xavier Langdon
Xavier Langdon, or as he prefers "XL" is a manager in most respects, he watches for opportunity,...
Slave. Guardian. Warrior. Soldier of the tower. Der geflügelte Tod of Montreal.Words used to desc...
A Camarilla aligned Dragon and too friendly a Fiend to be completely trustworthy. Don't worry. Y...
This page shows the current status bonuses (or penalties) for all characters in-play. Status is a...
The Graveyard
Adonis Navarro Flores [DEAD]
Adonis Navarro Flores is a somewhat famous and eccentric high-fashion shoe designer living and wo...
Aiden Graham
A spunky, attractive, and popular young blogger, Aiden is more capable and sinister than she let...
Chance Edwards
Chance Edwards is the manager of the Natural 20 Gaming Cafe in West Baltimore, specifically in Gw...
Deacon Jacob [DEAD]
"The Inferior Leech argues about his rights, the reasonableness of his action or his safety. The ...
Esther Wright [DEAD]
Esther is a Gangrel known in Louisville, Kentucky. She's a strange and jumpy woman, and is proba...
Evelyn Hartley [DEAD]
Evelyn Hartley, a Follower of Set, learned the ropes from her sire, Ibraham Al-Rasheed. However, ...
Faith White [DEAD]
DECEASED Terrifyingly beautiful, this porcelain woman strikes awe in those who meet her and fear ...
Master Hood (NPC) (Dead)
Mr. Hood, The Ventrue who thinks himself a king. The Nosferatu who thinks himself a Ventrue B...
Maxine Flowers
"That's, like, really crazy cause I don't remember giving you permission to, like, talk to me th...
Nancy Lassiter
The former queen of the mats, Nancy Lassiter was a permanent fixture of the Midwest Amateur Wres...
Rowan Slade [DEAD]
DECEASED A trust fund baby from a prominent werewolf family, Rowan ran afoul of a vampire motorcy...
Tabbris [Dead]
“Dig deeper within the confines of your inner warrior. I guarantee, you haven't yet seen the real...
Work In Progress
"Cocky Nepobaby"
Basics Basics Name Player CatMinister Chronicle ...
[elpandaelegante] Nora Romani
Basics Basics Name Nora Romani Player ElPandaElegante ...
[Hellblazer] Draft
[WIP] Basics Basics Name Player Hellblazer ...
[Leonade] New Character Sheet
Basics Basics Name Player Chronicle Baltimore...
[meowmeownerd] New Character Sheet
Basics Basics Name Player Chronicle Baltimore...
[psychopompinainteasy] Zeke
Born twice now into a society where the strong are rewarded and the weak are punished, Zeke under...
[Sagy's Sisyphean Attempt at Making a PC]
[WIP] bullet points:*Antisocial (AKA sociopath)*Ignorant of the occult*Wants a normal life at hea...
[WIP] Masika
Basics Basics Name Masika Player KitsuneFire Chron...
Alastor Vance
Basics Basics Name Alastor Vance Player Defragt Chr...
Alessandro Giovanni
Alessandro Giovanni is often known to be quite distant with other members of his clan. This is ...
Andrew Milliner
Basics Basics Name Andrew Milliner Player Mitzu C...
Cedar Morris
An Avid Party Goer during the roaring 20's with the misfortune of being at the wrong place at th...
Edwin Mills
When a man finally takes his own destiny in his hands. What will he do? What will he make? What ...
Heleen Kleine voorhees
Basics Basics Name Heleen Kleine voorhees Player I0bin ...
A True Faith Rabbi Malkavian, ex-Camarilla believer in the word of God. Due to Noddism accusatio...
Malk In Progress
Basics Basics Name Player Chronicle Baltimore...
River Jacks
Basics Basics Name River Jacks Player Kali White C...
Roland Kincaid (Declan's Ghoul)
Basics Basics Name Roland Kincaid Player Otaku Chron...
Stinky Poo-brain man
Placeholder for a 2nd character. brain vomiting ideas before i forget. control freak doctor, 7th...
Basics Basics Name xxxx Salamanca Player Mitzu Chro...
Zenobia Blythe
She's the Black Sheep of the Blythe family, their hunting dog when someone draws the family's ire...
Galilea Rossellini [Deceased]
Basics Basics Name - Player - Chronicle Baltimo...
[Nugget83] New Character Sheet
Basics Basics Name Player Chronicle Baltimore...