Esther Wright [DEAD]

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Esther Maryanne Wright is a City Gangrel, Unifier of the Sabbat. She was born into the Wright family in 1860, one year before the American Civil War in Appalachian Kentucky.
Her father was known as “Devil John Wright,” a serial killer turned lawman. For information about John, please read “Bad John Wright: The Law of Pine Mountain.” Please know this is a slightly fictionalized version of him.
The Wright Clan was a horrible place to be raised. Her father taught her terrible things: pain, intimidation and suffering. He was absent intermittently for much of her life with an abusive relationship with her mother. Though she couldn’t stand to leave him, she could not let her daughter endure this for any longer than she needed. The Civil War raged horribly and bloody, and her family moved deep into the mountains away from the armies… except John, of course, who was too hateful to stand for sentiments of equality, and would go fight for the Confederacy.
This made Esther a troubled young woman. She was violent with a temper. She was sent away to school in Louisville, Kentucky after her father’s “redemption” as a civilized lawman. She would not be in town when he was hung, having never received the letter. It bothered her little. In Louisville, she learned a good, upstanding profession: accounting, if only after becoming a mistress to a widowed rich man. She helped with his finances, though he would not marry her even after she had his children.
The City Gangrel of Louisville saw an unwillingness to die in her, and a penchant for violence. She was Embraced into the Camarilla, where she would learn many of their ideals.
Though she had merit, Esther was too uncivil and too troubled to ever gain Status in the sect, even into her older years. She worked in the cities of Louisville, Lexington, Chicago and Cincinnati. In Chicago, she found her most success in their underground, laundering money for a strange anonymous Ventrue and doing some of his dirty work. This experience did not bring her the content she hoped it would. Instead, it festered hate in her for the sect around her. They were just like her father, the Elders. Abusive, psychopathic patriarchs in places of power.
When the Sabbat attacked Louisville, where she had returned to, their spies tagged her as the first target.
Esther was not easy to capture, but was easy to break once they did. She told them openly she was hardly a Camarilla advocate. The Ductus allowed her the chance for conversion, after he had gotten what he wanted out of her, which was to sell out the locations of some Camarilla in the city. Creation Rites were not anything she had been told of, but she did complete them, something she regards as the second greatest task she has ever underwent.
The worst went to learning the teachings of that Lasombra, Jacob. She took to them well enough, but he was less than merciful even in a strange new place.
That was twenty years ago. The dreaded convert of necessity, Esther is not at peace. She knows the Sabbat’s ideals and emulates them as she can, but more than this is the thought of power and succeeding. Her new unlife is just starting, and she’s doing what she can.