
Catlike Balance
Slavic/Russian accent
Camarilla? Fucking lapdogs who want to put you on a leash.
Sabbat? Can't say I know them...
Anarchs? They're okay I guess.
But I am and will remain independent if I can.
...a very cautious warm-hearted wolf...
Merits & Flaws
Rituals & Paths
Experience & Derangements
Charisma: from 1 to 3 (12)
Strength: from 1 to 2 (8)
Dexterity: from 1 to 3 (12)
Stamina: from 1 to 2 (8)
Perception: from 1 to 2 (8)
Intelligence: from 2 to 3 (4)
Wits: from 2 to 3 (12)
Melee: from 2 to 3 (4)
Technology: 0 to 1 (2)
Chimerstry: 1 to 2 (10)
Expanded Backgrounds
Rights & Possessions
Blood Bonds/Vinculi
When it comes to his past, "Bluebird" or simply "Blue" - he very rarely reveals his true name and he hates to do so – seldom or never talks about it. He often says that he remembers very little. Where does he come from? Well, his family was always on the move, he never really had a home. He doesn't really want to talk about his past either - it's nothing special. He's here now, in the present, and he rarely stays in one place for long, but if you look closely, you can see that the black-haired man with the fawn eyes carries a long history with him. He has seen a lot - his body also tells stories. This cheeky, relaxed and sometimes mean guy has seen things... But he doesn't talk. And why should he? ... You wouldn't be interested anyway, would you?
"Everyone has a dark past. Some pasts are just a lot darker. I died back then. And got a new existence. What happened, happened. And remains an eternal scar. It haunts you, haunts you, for many nights. But we, we grow older, because we are immortal. And who knows, in a few hundred years I will have long forgotten."
Tora was born somewhere in Eastern Europe. His family has never had a permanent home, so it is difficult to determine his nationality. He is simply Roma.
Originally from northern India, the Roma migrated to Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries and were mistakenly called "Gypsies" because they believed they came from Egypt. They are made up of various tribes or nations, mainly Sinti and Roma. They speak Romani, based on Sanskrit, and practice Christianity or Islam. Historically, they have been persecuted, with the German term "Zigeuner" meaning untouchable. Traditional Roma occupations included craftsmanship, performing arts, and some held civil service positions. By 1939, there were 1 to 1.5 million Roma living in Europe, the majority in Eastern Europe. Before the war, there were about 35,000 Roma in Germany, mostly citizens, and about 11,000 in Austria.
In 1944, Roma faced escalating persecution under the Nazis, enduring forced labor and medical experiments. Many fell victim to the horrors of the Shoah, and discrimination continued long after the war ended.
Tora and his family were among those victims. He survived his family by entrusting himself to a stranger named Credi or "Umbră". Credi did not seem to exist to others and kept looking for Tora. Giving him food and water, he survived in a place that was nothing but hell on earth. Tora survived that time physically, but what he saw, what he experienced, was burned in his mind forever...
On a night in August 1944, Credi could not prevent the evacuation of the "gypsy camp" and the murder of all the people there. He found Tora among the many corpses and felt that he miraculously still had a small pulse. He led the young man away from the piles of corpses. Together they left the gruesome place; Credi finally disappeared without a trace a few weeks later... And Tora has been wandering through the world ever since. During one of his journeys, he found an injured Mountain Bluebird and decided to make it his companion. “Safaya” has been his little ghoul bird friend ever since.