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How To Collect XP
So, you want some of those sweet sweet eXperience Points do you? Well collecting them is pretty s...
How To Roleplay
Use Discord RHC uses Discord to roleplay. Roleplay occurs in the categories (and channels) mar...
Clan Specific
Assamites Outcast Bonus: 2pt.Your have rejected the ethos of the caste into which you were Embr...
Cast No Reflection Bonus: 1pt.You actually cast no reflection, just like the vampires of legend....
Botched Presentation Bonus: 1pt.When your sire presented you to the Prince of the city, you flub...
Deep Sleeper Bonus: 1pt.When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. The difficulty o...
Acute Sense Cost: 1pt.One of your senses is exceptionally sharp, be it sight, hearing, smell, to...
Elysium Regular Cost: 1pt.You spend an unusual amount of time in Elysium. You see and are seen t...
Clan Specific
Assamites Sectarian Ally Cost: 1pt.You have a close friend in one of the Kindred sects. Perha...
A Word From Staff
We created RHC first and foremost to have fun. We enjoy writing and we really enjoy writing col...